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Professional Mobile Practice in Training Bachelors of Psycho-Pedagogical Education
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Abstract: The article outlines the role of practice in training bachelors of psycho-pedagogical education, substantiates the actual labor market need of training of professionally mobile specialists, and works out the definitions of the concepts of «professional mobility of bachelor» and «professional mobile practice». The article analyzes the FSES HE on the organization and conduct of students’ practice and reveals the opportunities of practice in the preparation of mobile bachelors. To prepare graduates of psycho-pedagogical education for the labor market, the concept of professional mobile practice is briefly presented, including methodological approaches (systemic, competence-based, axiological and personal activity-centered), key concepts (professional mobility of bachelor and professional mobile practice), principles of designing practice model (determinism, continuity and integration), and the structural and functional model of practice and its methodological support.
The article describes in more detail the types and tasks of professional mobile practice and elective courses that precede practice. In the first year — it is an introductory practice, orienting students towards their employment opportunities on graduation on the basis of analysis of the professional standard «Specialist in the field of education». In the second year — it is psycho-pedagogical activity of students on practice that is of primary importance. The article substantiates the role of psycho-pedagogical problems, allowing students to adapt to the infinite variety of life problems of children, and presents a brief method of teaching students to solve socio-pedagogical problems in practice. In the third year — the accent is laid on socio-pedagogical activity of students on practice. The article reveals the role of projects in the development of communicative and research competences of students, orienting them towards creative self-realization in the future professional activity, and briefly presents the method of teaching students to carry out socio-pedagogical projects. The fourth year presupposes undergraduate activity of students, when they do practical work on their final qualification paper. The article shows the relationship between psycho-pedagogical tasks and socio-pedagogical projects with the final qualification paper. In conclusion, the authors provide brief results of professional mobile practice and outline prospective areas for further research.
Key words: Labour market; professional mobility; professional mobile practice; professional standards; psychological and pedagogical tasks; social pedagogical projects; labour functions; Bachelor's programme.
For citation
Galaguzova, M. A. Professional Mobile Practice in Training Bachelors of Psycho-Pedagogical Education / M. A. Galaguzova, R. H. Iskhakov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №10. – P. 85-89.