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Phonetic Peculiarities of Speech Development of Preschool Children Under the Conditions of Bilingualism
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Abstract: The article reveals some features of speech development of migrant children in conditions of bilingualism. A comparative analysis of different points of view on the definition of bilingualism is given (V. A. Avronin, R. A. Budagov, Yu. Yu. Deseriev, F. Filin). The classical point of view of some authors (Ya. Kamensky, K. D. Ushinsky, E. I. Tikheyeva, L. S. Vygotsky) is given about the influence of bilingualism on the development of the child's native language, as well as on their general intellectual development. Researchers dealing with the issues of bilingualism indicate the ability to learn two or more languages by children. In more detail, the article dwells on phonetic errors in preschool children and their causes. Preschool children pronounce only the sounds they hear. In this regard, the main difficulties and deviations from the pronunciation norms that are characteristic of migrant children are the following: 1) inability to differentiate the sounds absent in the native language by ear, mixing them up with the sounds of the Russian and native languages close to them in articulation and acoustics; 2) distorted pronunciation of sounds similar to the sounds of the native language; 3) non-discrimination of hard and soft consonants in different positions of the word; 4) incorrect accentuation; 5) reduction of vowels in unstressed syllables. The author provides a brief review of some features of the phonetic-phonological system of the Russian language and the difficulties arising from them for children of preschool age, typical phonetic and phonological errors and the reasons of their emergence. On the basis of analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that the system of work to teach correct speech sound pronunciation to non-Russian children should take into account the following linguistic data: the phonological system of the Russian and the native languages, the specific features of phoneme realization in the flow of speech in the form of concrete sounds, their differential and articulatory properties, rules of sound combination, and the results of comparative phonetics and phonology of the Russian and the native languages.
Key words: Bilingualism; preschool children, phonetic peculiarities; speech development; children’s speech; migrant children.
For citation
Privalova, S. E. Phonetic Peculiarities of Speech Development of Preschool Children Under the Conditions of Bilingualism / S. E. Privalova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №11. – P. 60-64 .