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Methodological Foundations of Formation of Value-Based Attitude to the Culture of Khmao-Yugra in Senior Preschool Children
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Abstract: The article presents the problem of formation of value-based attitude to the culture of KhMAO-Yugra in senior preschool children. This problem is currently being studied by the academic staff of Surgut State Pedagogical University and by Surgut kindergarten educators within the framework of the project supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The authors of the article formulate theoretical and methodological foundations of formation of value-based attitude to the culture of native land in preschool children determining the complex of corresponding methodological approaches. Theoretical and methodological strategy of the study includes the axiological and socio-cultural approaches that allow revealing the essence of ethno-cultural education at kindergarten and the specificity of its main components (specifically, the specific features of the contents of formation of value-based attitude to the culture of the native land in preschool children). Activity-centered and integrative approaches to the formation of value-based attitude to the culture of KhMAO-Yugra in senior preschool children make up the practice-oriented strategy of the research. The authors define the role of different activities of children in working out complex process of ethno-cultural education at kindergarten. The suggested integrative approach is effective for integration of education fields as well as of different means, forms and methods of formation of value-based attitude to the culture of native land in preschool children. The article notes that it’s rational to introduce problem situations into educational process of a preschool education institution while implementing the above mentioned approaches. Resolving problem situations, preschool children learn to appreciate the cultural heritage of the Northern peoples through getting ethno-cultural knowledge independently. Investigation and implementation of these approaches allowed the participants of the project to work out a regional partial program, the realization of which, according to the authors, can open the way to efficiently increase the level of ethno-cultural education in preschool education institutions of KhMAO-Yugra.
Key words: Methodological foundations; methodological approach; value-based approach; national culture; senior preschool children; preschool education institutions; ethno-cultural education.
For citation
Lashkova, L. L. Methodological Foundations of Formation of Value-Based Attitude to the Culture of Khmao-Yugra in Senior Preschool Children / L. L. Lashkova, S. A. Yakob // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №11. – P. 54-59.