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Formation of Regulatory Universal Learning Actions in Schoolchildren in the Process of Teaching Them to Play Plucked String Musical Instruments (First Year of Study)
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the urgent problem of musical education related to finding ways to optimize the process of teaching schoolchildren to play plucked string musical instruments at children's music school. In the process of learning to play a musical instrument, schoolchildren have difficulties, the reasons for which are associated with the inability to organize their learning activities, to motivate themselves to complete learning tasks, to focus and control their implementation. In this regard, the authors of the article consider it expedient in the first year of study to focus on the formation of schoolchildren of regulatory universal learning actions in relation to new conditions and tasks of educational musical activity. The issues of forming universal learning actions for students of children's music school are not sufficiently developed in the theory and practice of musical education, since such a task is not formulated in the Federal State Requirements (as opposed to the general education school, where the formation of universal learning actions in schoolchildren is enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standards). The current situation is contrary to the implementation of the idea of the holistic development of the child’s personality in single educational space. The article, based on the central concept of universal learning actions and the results of research in related fields of knowledge, reveals the content of regulatory universal learning actions in accordance with the tasks that are being solved at different stages of the first year of learning to play plucked string musical instruments. Formation of regulatory learning actions is considered as an effective way to overcome the difficulties encountered by schoolchildren in the process of mastering the techniques of playing plucked string musical instruments and preparing for the first concert performances. The article carries the results of a survey of teachers of children's music schools confirming the effectiveness of the proposed ideas and developed teaching materials in teaching school children to play plucked string musical instruments.
Key words: Musical education; teaching to play musical instruments; plucked string musical instruments; regulatory universal learning actions; children’s music schools; schoolchildren; supplementary education; supplementary education institutions; musical activity.
For citation
Matveyeva, L. V. Formation of Regulatory Universal Learning Actions in Schoolchildren in the Process of Teaching Them to Play Plucked String Musical Instruments (First Year of Study) / L. V. Matveyeva, I. A. Gazizova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №11. – P. 157-163 .