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A System of Second Language Education for Students of Non-Linguistic Specialties on the Basis of Information Technologies
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Abstract: The article presents a system of second language education of students of non-linguistic specialties of the Institute of Radio-electronics and Information Technologies at the Ural Federal University. The authors present the experience of application of information and communication technology for the formation of foreign language communicative competence at various stages of education including bachelor, master and postgraduate programs. The given competence is defined in the article. Each stage of education presupposes the formation of different components of professional foreign language communicative competence that meet the requirements of certain training programs. Various learning technologies aimed at the formation of foreign language communicative and technological competence are used while mastering the discipline «Foreign language» during the 1st and the 2nd years of the bachelor degree courses. Authentic educational resources and interdisciplinary projects are used as teaching aids for the formation and development of the professional foreign language communicative competence during the 3rd and 4th years of the bachelor program. Master’s degree and postgraduate programs use teaching aids which are aimed at the development of foreign language communicative science-research competence. The process of formation of professional foreign language communicative competence includes different foreign language teaching aids for the arrangement of in-class, individual and extracurricular work of students at different stages of education in higher education institutions. The article presents a detailed description of the structure of students’ work at different stages of education on the basis of the existing learning materials (guides, aids, textbooks, etc.) the content of which facilitates the formation and development of every component of the professional foreign language communicative competence. The authors of the article give practical recommendations on organization of the educational process of teaching a foreign language using the learning materials and active implementation of information and communication technologies in the in-class, individual and extracurricular work of bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and postgraduate students.
Key words: Second language education; professional competences; information technologies; interdisciplinary projects; students; project methods; project activity; foreign languages; methods of teaching foreign languages; methods of teaching foreign languages at higher education institution.
For citation
Kovaleva, A. G. A System of Second Language Education for Students of Non-Linguistic Specialties on the Basis of Information Technologies / A. G. Kovaleva, O. V. Anchugova, D. P. Zarifullina, D. I. Kurmanova, M. V. Tkacheva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №11. – P. 108-115.