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Diagnostics of Readiness of Novice Singers to Independent Performance
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Abstract: Any music activity, including pop music, requires an independent work to develop and perfect technical skills, to find solution to the problems and to develop singing skills. Independent work is a necessary condition both for famous singers and novice singers. The article describes the technique of diagnostics of readiness of novice singers to independent musical activities. It is explained why such criteria as assessment of their own singing and comparison with the standard and vocal and sensory self-control are included in the diagnostic procedure. Creative tasks are used to assess readiness to independent activity. Due to the fact that a pop vocal performance includes movement, facial expressions, choreography, theatricalization, etc., the tasks in addition to the vocal component include different types of creative activity. The article gives examples of such tasks as independent learning of lyrics, choreographic adaptation of a song, etc. Creative tasks may include singing with a phonogram at a school concert and assessment of the video of the concert form the point of view of compliance with the standard. The article provides levels of formation of readiness of novice singers to independent performance, which are revealed at the beginning of teaching: optimal, sufficient and minimal. Ways of formation of readiness of novice singers to independent performance are described. This diagnosis is intended for teachers of additional education, teachers of singing in children's music schools, children's art schools, palaces of culture, children's pop studios, homes of children and youth creativity. The diagnostics will help teachers to expand the idea of mastering the skills of independent musical activity by beginning vocalists.
Key words: Pop singing; independent musical activity; standard of singing; vocal-sensory self-control; pop singers.
For citation
Kurdina, E. S. Diagnostics of Readiness of Novice Singers to Independent Performance / E. S. Kurdina, L. V. Chernova, D. E. Chernov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №12. – P. 105-109 .