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To the Question of Teaching the Vocabulary of English Professionally-Oriented Discourse at A Non-Linguistic University
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of using authentic materials in teaching the vocabulary of English civil protection discourse at a non-linguistic university. A special role of discursive approach to teaching foreign language is noted. Authentic materials of professionally-oriented discourse positively affect vocabulary learning. Authentic texts, audio and video materials are defined as authentic materials used in teaching and learning activities. In this research English civil protection discourse is understood as a set of utterances of rescue workers regulated by the norms of speech behavior and service rules. The article outlines some principles of selecting authentic materials of English civil protection discourse for the development of lexical skills of students of a non-linguistic university. Teaching is based on authentic texts (after-action reports, orders, job descriptions, and operations manuals), electronic texts (SMS), audio and video materials about the rules of behavior and actions in emergencies. The main lexical features of this type of discourse are analyzed. The lexical level is characterized by the presence of terminology, common vocabulary, and abbreviations. The discursive level is characterized by discursive formulas, which are clichéd constructions, heterogeneous in their syntactic organization. Prospects for work in this direction are outlined.
Key words: Professionally-oriented discourse, institutional discourse, English civil protection discourse, authentic materials, principles of selecting authentic materials, course content, methodical processing.
For citation
Ermolaeva, M. V. To the Question of Teaching the Vocabulary of English Professionally-Oriented Discourse at A Non-Linguistic University / M. V. Ermolaeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №12. – P. 100-104 .