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Regulatory Bases of Civic-Patriotic Education in Russia
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Abstract: At each stage of the historical development of Russia the idea of patriotism and citizenship was interpreted in a different way. It is reflected in the legal documents that set the guidelines for the organization of patriotic or civic education. This question remains relevant today: how the legislation defines the concepts of «patriotism», «citizenship» and «civic-patriotic education», and whether the basic directions of education include civic-patriotic education. Since the early 2000s the issue of the revival of patriotism and citizenship, which are undergoing a severe decline, became acute. Historical experience shows that the most important means of patriotism and citizenship formation is the Institute of education, which teaches the younger generation. In this regard, today there are a number of regulatory documents at the Federal and regional levels, defining the foundations of patriotic and civic education in Russia. But the legislation does not indicate clear differences between civic, patriotic and civic-patriotic education, since there are no definitions of the concepts of «civic education» and «civic-patriotic education», which are actively used in legal practice. The problem of understanding the essence of these concepts has now grown to the need for a clear regulatory consolidation, as the current legislation establishes civic-patriotic education as one of the basic directions. The implementation of the state policy aimed at the creation of legal, socio-economic, organizational and other conditions of civic-patriotic education is fully impossible without a comprehensive, in-depth development of the conceptual apparatus of the problem. The adoption at the Federal level of a normative legal act regulating patriotic education will eliminate the existing gaps and contradictions.
Key words: Patriotism; citizenship; patriotic education; civic education; civil-patriotic education.
For citation
Andreeva, E. E. Regulatory Bases of Civic-Patriotic Education in Russia / E. E. Andreeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №12. – P. 69-75.