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Development of Emotional Responsiveness to Music in Junior Pupils at the Children’s School of Art
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Abstract: Emotional responsiveness to music is characterized as an integral ability, linked with the development of musical abilities, perception, thinking and imagination. Emotional responsiveness to music is examined as a component of musical abilities and musical talent; as a personal quality in the unity of emotional and cognitive components. The issues of development of emotional responsiveness to music are considered in relation with the problem of musical perception. It is characterized as: 1) the ability of «penetration» in a musical image; 2) interpretation of music, understanding of the relationship of musical expression in the development of the image; 3) a complex artistic-cognitive act in the process of understanding music. Exstramusical and intramusical strategies of musical perception are described. The features of «perception- experience» and the «perception-thinking» are characterized. The value of multi-art activities in the development of emotional responsiveness to music in primary school children is justified. The purpose of the article is to characterize the methods and techniques of development of emotional responsiveness to music with junior pupils in the subject «Music Listening» at the children’s school of art. Such methods include: the method of comparison; the method of insight into music; the method of reflections on music; the method of creating artistic context; the method of «soft tongues»; the methods of interpretation of musical images: art-visual and literary; the methods of plastic modeling; the method of writing a simple improvisation. Specific examples of implementation of the method of the muiti-art context when you run multi-art jobs are presented. The research methods are: study and analysis of literature, observation and generalization. The presented methods can be used by teachers of further music education for the development of emotional responsiveness to music in primary school children.
Key words: Emotional responsiveness; musical art; junior pupils; music school for children.
For citation
Tikhonova, E. V. Development of Emotional Responsiveness to Music in Junior Pupils at the Children’s School of Art / E. V. Tikhonova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №2. – P. 60-64.