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International Activity of Students and Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions (On the Example of Cultural Exchange of Youth Groups of Germany and Russia)
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Abstract: The article considers international cooperation as one of the most important directions of the activity of the institution of higher education. The author assumes that youth project activity in the sphere of culture can be an effective form of international cooperation between educational and cultural institutions. Projects that promote national cultural values are aimed at the integration of national traditions into the present, contribute to the preservation and popularization of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of all mankind. The article describes the experience of developing and implementing an international project on the exchange of youth groups «Preservation of National Cultures» between the Song and Word Theater (Berlin) and the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. The stages of development of an innovative project in the sphere of culture are identified and disclosed. As an example, work on a musical and theatrical project on the national traditions and rituals of both countries «Russian-German wedding» is shown. The peculiarities of work on an international project in the field of folk culture are singled out: collection, analysis and systematization of materials of folklore and ethnographic expeditions, folklore and ethnographic literature; analysis of similarities and differences between the everyday and holiday culture of two ethnic groups; re-creation of national clothes, ritual attributes, dishes of national cuisine according to available information; synthesis of two crops in the final result of the project. The successful premiere of the performance «Russian-German Wedding» in Berlin, positive feedback from the project participants and spectators of the performance, the documentary «Russian-German Wedding: Dialogue of Cultures», mutual enrichment of participants with knowledge of the culture of another ethnic group, can be attributed to the results of the described project. The obtained results give grounds to believe that the project activity is an effective form of international cooperation.
Key words: Monitoring of efficiency; higher school; international cooperation; students; teachers; project; German folklore; Russian traditional culture.
For citation
Chikunova, N. A. International Activity of Students and Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions (On the Example of Cultural Exchange of Youth Groups of Germany and Russia) / N. A. Chikunova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №3. – P. 53-58.