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Types of Self-destructive Behavior of Students
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Abstract: Currently, the problem of self-destructive behavior (SDB) of adolescents occupies a central place in pedagogical and age psychology, and it is also the subject of research of various related sciences. Biological, medical, social and psychological aspects of SDB are studied and described, the reasons and variants of its correction in modern teenagers are analyzed. Self-destructive behavior is the destructive habits, actions and conditions of a teenager that arise in response to certain environmental influences. This behavior has a lot of negatively-colored emotional reactions. The article reveals the specifics of the types of SDB of adolescents studying in different types of educational institutions of Sverdlovsk region. We consider the general features of the SDB and its manifestation among students. We have made a detailed description of the types of SDBs typical for students of different types of educational institutions. The main result was made by the description of 4 types and 10 sub-types of SDB. The following methods of empirical research were used: the Method of defining the propensity to deviant behavior by A. N. Orel, Integrated test of commitment to addiction and addictive behavior by M. N. Telepov, N. N. Telepova, the Methods of detecting susceptibility to suicidal reactions CP -45 by P. I. Unackawich, the Methods of assessing school motivation by N.G. Lukanova. The results of the study will be used to develop a comprehensive preventive program of SDB students in an educational institution.
Key words: Self-destructive behavior; methods of diagnostics; teenagers; classification of self-destructive behavior.
For citation
Sycheva, N. B. Types of Self-destructive Behavior of Students / N. B. Sycheva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №3. – P. 66-72.