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Case Technology as a Method of Teaching Future Engineers to Analyze and Evaluate Chemical Engineering Processes
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Abstract: A modern engineering technologist should have the ability of optimal behavior in various production situations to be able to make their decisions based on the analysis and evaluation of the received analytical or statistical information. When studying mathematics, mathematical modeling is considered as a method of teaching prospective engineers analysis and evaluation of the chemical engineering process. It is the main method in describing technological processes which allows determining the optimal conditions for the process and assessing the influence of various factors on the process. Case technology is viewed as an innovative tool for teaching students analysis and assessment, and as an information shell for the data based on which students compile a mathematical model. In the study, structural units of the case were identified: methodological, plot and information parts. Description of the content of the identified components is based on the fact that this case will be used in training of future engineers. In the process of teaching mathematics, cases are rationally represented as problems. The article introduces the term «information and competence-based» problem, the search for a solution of which contributes to the formation of skills of analysis, assessment and mastery of professional competences. These problems help connect sections of mathematics and profession-oriented disciplines. An example of a problem for compiling, analyzing and assessing a mathematical model using the methods of correlation and regression analysis is presented. The students analyze data obtained empirically, and build their graphic image (correlation field). To quantify the performed analysis, the students calculate the correlation coefficient, and check the hypothesis. For this sample, coefficients of the linear regression equation are found and the latter is represented graphically. Using reference data, the accuracy of the obtained mathematical model is evaluated.
Key words: Сase technology; professional competence; engineering education; teaching engineers; chemical engineering process; correlation.
For citation
Lipatnikova, I. G. Case Technology as a Method of Teaching Future Engineers to Analyze and Evaluate Chemical Engineering Processes / I. G. Lipatnikova, S. V. Mechik // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №4. – P. 78-84.