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The System of Spiritual and Sekular Education in Dagestan (XIX Century)
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Abstract: This article studies the problem of the development of secular education in pre-revolutionary Dagestan. The urgency and hypothesis of the research is explained. The research focuses on the issues of the system of the Muslim education in Dagestan of the XIX century. It analyzes the stages in the study of the Arab-Muslim schools and madrassas of pre-revolutionary Dagestan. The system of Muslim education during the Caucasian War in the era of Imam Shamil is described. The article highlights the relationship between Arab-Muslim and secular educational institutions in the post-reform period. The article gives an overview of the works of pre-revolutionary scholars studying the education system in Dagestan (N.F. Dubrovin, M.M. Kovalevsky, E.I. Kozubsky, S. Farfarovsky). The work and contribution of P.K. Uslar to the development of culture and education of Dagestan are examined. The educational activity of prominent representatives of the pre-revolutionary Dagestan intelligence (A. Omarov, G.-E. Alkadari, D.B. Butaev, B. Dalgat, A. Kayayev, S. Gabiyev, etc.) is studied. The article contains some information about the pedagogical work of the Dagestanian educators G.-E. Alkadari and Abdullah Omarov. It examines the works of Dagestanian scientists of the Soviet period (G.Sh. Kaimarazov, M.A. Abdullaev, A.S. Hajiyeva, V.G. Hajiyev, S.M. Omarov). The article notes a positive role of Russian scientists in the education of the mountaineers of Dagestan. The issue of the influence of the Russian education system on the formation of the advanced Dagestan intelligence is considered. It is argued that the secular education system played an important role in the cultural development of the peoples of Dagestan. At the same time, the great contribution was made by the Dagestan Muslim scientists and theologians in the development of scientific knowledge of the studied period, in the formation of the spiritual and moral culture of the Dagestan peoples.
Key words: Spiritual and secular education; Arab-Muslim school; maktab; madrasah; Dagestanian scholars; Muslim clergy; intelligentsia.
For citation
Isalabdulayev, M. A. The System of Spiritual and Sekular Education in Dagestan (XIX Century) / M. A. Isalabdulayev // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №4. – P. 13-17.