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Development of Class-based Professional and Special Education in Siberia in XIXth – Early XXth Centuries
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Abstract: The article discusses the questions connected with the development of class-based professional and special education in Siberia in the XIXth – early XXth centuries. The level of literacy among peasants was very low compared to that of representatives of other classes in Siberia; moreover, peasants were taught only by private teachers. That is why much attention began to be paid to the establishment and development of church schools and seminaries that might give the peasants an opportunity to get education for free. The results of education system development in the end of the XIX century were that the number of Russian intelligentsia grew year by year and people living in Siberia got a chance to become literate. The article argues that aim of class-based professional and special education development in Siberia in the XIXth – early XXth centuries was the establishment of state comprehensive schools of different types to teach people reading and writing. The article discusses the peculiarities of military professional education in Siberia in the XIXth century, on the basis of which military educational complex was founded in the XXth century. Industrial development in the late XIXth – early XXth centuries demanded qualified workers in Siberia. In this connection there appeared different educational establishments of all kinds from universal polytechniс schools to industrial schools of lower rank. No doubt that the demand for specialists who had the knowledge of the natural resources of Siberia and the technologies to excavate them and produce different things was high. The authors of this article suggest that attention should be paid to special education: teaching the languages of the natives of Siberia and far east, navigation, geodesy, mining, post-office cervices, as well as the development of new specialized education in the field of engineering, agriculture, commerce, geodesy and teaching. The schools of that period were for the children of service men, clergy and mining workers. The article underlines the importance of establishment of pedagogical schools in Siberia. The establishment of pedagogical schools in the end of the XIXth century was a serious advance in teacher’s training; but at the same time there were not enough pedagogical schools as the demand for teachers grew year by year in Siberia.
Key words: Class-based professional education; special education; church schools; grammar school; seminaria; military colleges; politechnic schools.
For citation
Shadrin, A. S. Development of Class-based Professional and Special Education in Siberia in XIXth – Early XXth Centuries / A. S. Shadrin, O. V. Sidorov, N. N. Kozinets // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №4. – P. 18-27.