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Selection of Teaching Materials in Training Master Students to Conduct a Scientific Discussion in a Foreign Language
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Abstract: The article deals with the description, analysis and pragmatic potential of scientific discussion in training Master’s degree students. The problem of relevance of training students the skill to conduct a discussion on a scientific topic is observed. The scientific discussion is studied as the form of international scientific-professional activity and as the result of teaching foreign languages to Master’s degree students. The methods of teaching Master’s degree students to conduct international activity through teaching them scientific discussion are determined. The purposes of teaching foreign language to Master’s degree students, considering their professional interests and modern requirements to the graduates of Masters, are highlighted. The Master’s program aimes at development of the ability of international communication in business and scientific spheres among the students. It is necessary to take into consideration the peculiarities of the acquired professions. The necessity of teaching scientific discussion in the process of communication skills formation is proved. The article emphasizes that one of the relevant skills of Master’s degree students are the skills to bring arguments, express their own point of view, agreement and disagreement, to analyze methodological literature, and to speak at international conferences. The structure, types of scientific discussion and its role in teaching foreign language are analyzed. The teaching material relevant for formation of the skills to conduct a scientific discussion is observed. The criteria for selection of the topics are highlighted. The text material for studying is offered. The introduction of scientific lexical vocabulary as a semantic field is described. The problem of selection of vocabulary is analyzed. A general plan for teaching Master’s degree students to conduct a scientific discussion is offered. The application of scientific discussion in monologue and dialogue speech is demonstrated.
Key words: Scientific discussion; Master’s Degree studies; students; teaching aids; teaching resources; foreign languages.
For citation
Zelenina, L. E. Selection of Teaching Materials in Training Master Students to Conduct a Scientific Discussion in a Foreign Language / L. E. Zelenina, E. M. Kolesova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №5. – P. 87-91.