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Fitness for Children in Physical and Social Education
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Abstract: For the last 100 years there has been a rapid decrease of pedagogical potential of the society, including the sphere of sport and physical education. In the beginning of the XXth century there were about 5000 active games for children and one child new and played about 100 games, today there are about 100 active games and a child plays only 5 of them. Such tremendous drop in the number of active games occurred due to many reasons, one of them is that parents do not let their children go out alone and play in the yard with peers. In the last four years the number of crimes against children and teenagers doubled [9]. Parents tend not to let their children go out alone. Thus, children get used to low-active lifestyle and many of them suffer from obesity. Renaissance painters could hardly find an obese baby for their pictures, while today there are obese children in almost every kindergarten group. Fitness for children is a relatively new and rapidly developing activity for children to fight hypodinamia. Fitness for children is, first of all, a sports program developed with regard to physiological development and the age of a child [5].
Key words: Fitness for children; physical education; physical development; preschoolers.
For citation
Patrushev, S. O. Fitness for Children in Physical and Social Education / S. O. Patrushev, S. A. Dneprov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №6. – P. 41-48.