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Creative Identity of Schoolchildren as a Predictor of Linguistic Anxiety
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Abstract: This article deals with the main theoretical aspects of the problem of linguistic anxiety, which is a complex of negative experiences, conditioned by the learner’s self-perceived conviction of the inability to successfully learn a foreign language. On the basis of theoretical analysis the article suggests that creative identity can be an important predictor of both linguistic anxiety and motivation for learning a foreign language as a whole. In the course of the study it was revealed that there is a correlation between the student's confidence in their creative abilities and the absence of negative experiences related to the need for learning foreign languages. The most significant differences were revealed in the social value of foreign languages: for schoolchildren with a high level of creative identity, this indicator is significantly higher compared to their non-creative classmates. Schoolchildren with a high level of creative identity show a lower level of linguistic anxiety. The authors believes that this empirical result can be explained by the fact that mastering a foreign language is a creative activity. Unlike non-creative classmates, the creative ones can transfer the learned grammatical construction to a new context. Creative schoolchildren are more often inclined to a positive transformation of the situation and mastering the new reality. Based on the results of the study, it was also found that the creative students believe that their failures are caused by the unstable internal or external factors, rather than lack of abilities. This article provides methodological recommendations for illumination of linguistic anxiety. In conclusion, it is stated that creative identity is a predictor of linguistic anxiety and contributes to a better result in learning a foreign language.
Key words: Creative identity; linguistic anxiety; motivation for learning; foreign languages; motivational patterns; pupils; methods of teaching foreign languages.
For citation
Vodyakha, S. A. Creative Identity of Schoolchildren as a Predictor of Linguistic Anxiety / S. A. Vodyakha, Y. E. Vodyakha // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №6. – P. 35-40.