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Psycholinguistic Markers of Students’ Reflexion
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Abstract: Attention is paid to the problem of reflexion and inadequacy of the tools for its diagnosis in practical psychology. Within the theoretical analysis different types of reflexion are allocated. The importance of systemic reflexion as a target in the period of studies is discussed. It is emphasized that reflexion transition from lower levels to systemic level is a professional goal of students mastering in socionomic professions. In the focus is the problem of the relationship between the level of reflexivity and the use of verbal markers in students' essays. For verification of the obtained data statistical analysis and a method of comparison of two groups were used. The existence of four types of reflexion markers is proved: corporal, emotional, cognitive and self-factorial. The present research allowed drawing a conclusion about the existence of the relationship between the level of reflexion and the occurrence of linguistic markers. The types of linguistic markers and their interrelation with reflexivity specific to medical and psychology students are identified. The data found in literature on the negative reflexive processes in art-therapeutic classes were confirmed. In general, the correlation between the frequency of occurrence of linguistic markers in different groups and the tendency of students to introspection and a quasi-introspection are similar. The absence of systemic reflexion is proved by evaluation, appeal to the past experience, coercion, discussion of an opportunity and reference to various external factors. The conclusion is drawn that the systemic reflexion is the property of the personality demanding special conditions of development. Similar features of reflexion words markers are typical of the students majoring in the same discipline. The obtained results determine the ways of reflexion and reflexivity development as depending on the content of future professional activity.
Key words: Reflexivity; introspection; quasi-reflexion; systemic reflexion; linguistic markers; psycholinguistics; signs of reflexion; students.
For citation
Legostaeva, E. S. Psycholinguistic Markers of Students’ Reflexion / E. S. Legostaeva, O. S. Chalikova, E. S. Bulayeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №6. – P. 28-34.