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Satisfaction with the Quality of Educational Services in Secondary Professional Education as Management Problem
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Abstract: The article is about an important problem of the analysis of consumer’s satisfaction with the quality of educational services in secondary professional education system. This research is based on a survey among students of three educational institutions of secondary professional schools in Shadrinsk, Kurgan region. This work is devoted to the study of satisfaction of students with educational services, such as material and technical support of the educational process (state of classrooms, presence of computer classes, sports equipment, working conditions in reading rooms, and technical and electronic training facilities), catering, medical care, social security of the educational process; professional activities of teachers in the organization (knowledge of the subject, culture of speech and teaching, use of technical means in the educational process, etc.); quality and criteria for assessment; quality of work of students’ self-government, organization of leisure and sports activities, public events, etc. During the work, we singled out the areas requiring special attention from the management of secondary professional educational organizations and we identified the lines of their improvement and modernization. A conclusion is made about the necessity of improvement of the quality of education, activation of research work among the parents to analyze their satisfaction in the services of educational system, and the analysis of information about the requirements of employers for graduates of secondary vocational education, and employers' satisfaction with professional skills of graduates of secondary professional schools. Thus, the article outlines the aspects for the empirical study of the problem of satisfaction of students with the quality of educational services provided by educational institutions of secondary professional system.
Key words: Secondary vocational education quality; students; satisfaction with quality; educational service; survey.
For citation
Belokon, O. V. Satisfaction with the Quality of Educational Services in Secondary Professional Education as Management Problem / O. V. Belokon, N. Y. Belova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №6. – P. 22-27.