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Formation of Moral Values of Junior Schoolchildren in Interpersonal Relations Based On Theatralization
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Abstract: The article discusses the bases of acquaintance with moral values by younger schoolchildren in the contradictory interaction of the processes of association (acceptance of values) and dissociation (rejection of values) with the help of priority realization of the general pedagogical principle of theatricalization. Domestic educators K. D. Ushinsky and K. N. Wentzel considered freedom of the individual in moral education to be very important, but it is not freedom from moral values. Being President of the Russian Academy of Education, Academician N.D. Nikandrov believed that a person's attitude to the world and to himself was extremely important in education. However, in modern school, aggressive behavior is more and more frequent in the relationships between students and many conflicts end with the use of firearms. Quests and games like paintball, laser tag, airsoft, fire-fighting, hardball do not eliminate aggression of schoolchildren. One of the possible effective ways to combat the manifestations of schoolchildren's aggression, as the national and world experience shows, is the participation of children in theatrical productions, which help to reduce the level of aggression by conveying moral values to the consciousness of the child playing a role in the spectacle or as a viewer. The Russia Federation Law "On Education" recommends the study of educational disciplines (modules) on the foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the Russian peoples, on moral principles and on the cultural and historical traditions of world religions. Acquaintance with the world religions, studying the academic discipline "The Basics of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics" in elementary school will ensure the development of the personality through integration into national and world culture.
Key words: Younger schoolchildren; moral values; interpersonal relationships; theatricalization.
For citation
Dneprov, S. A. Formation of Moral Values of Junior Schoolchildren in Interpersonal Relations Based On Theatralization / S. A. Dneprov, A. Y. Demina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №7. – P. 35-42.