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Psychological Structure of Self-determination as Personal and Professional Characteristic of Pedagogical Activity Participant
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Abstract: The idea of self-determination, focused on the creative nature of an individual becomes one of the fundamental in modern education in the aspect of studying the integrative, meaning-forming characteristics of a participant of pedagogical activity. The relevance of the study of self-determination in the context of pedagogical activity is related to the need of search for, study and introduction of psychological and pedagogical tools for the personal and professional development of a teacher in the context of the agent-toagent education paradigm. The aim of the article is conceptualization of the construct of self-determination as a value-meaningful incentive foundation of humanistic personal-oriented pedagogical activity. The analysis of the psychological structure of self-determination of pedagogical activity participant is based on modern interpretation of existential-humanistic and agent-activity approaches. Self-determination is regarded as a teacher's value-professional resource that determines the productivity of pedagogical activity in the space of choice of authentic and socially defined professional activity, autonomous and controlled motivation. The component structure of self-determination of pedagogical activity participant as a set of intentional, instrumental-activity, motivational, regulatory, reflexive, value-semantic and emotional-volitional characteristics is substantiated. The article emphasizes the intrinsic nature of the psychological content of self-determination, associated primarily with the processes of awareness and reflection of the value-meaningful bases of education and personal characteristics of pedagogical activity participant. The authors come to the conclusion that self-determination in the context of current problems of education is the goal and subject of pedagogical activity, determining, on the one hand, the personal and professional development of a teacher, their productivity, integration, awareness and psychological readiness for self-realization, and on the other - the ability to «include» their own personality in the prescribed conditions of activity.
Key words: Self-determination; agent of pedagogical activity; basic psychological needs; autonomous motivation; agent activity; reflection; awareness.
For citation
Vasyagina, N. N. Psychological Structure of Self-determination as Personal and Professional Characteristic of Pedagogical Activity Participant / N. N. Vasyagina, E. Y. Pochtareva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №7. – P. 43-48.