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Methodology of Development and Application of Electronic Educational Resources for Learning General Scientific Disciplines in Non-native Language
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Abstract: The paper analyzes the problems of the development and application of electronic educational materials in general scientific subjects, adapted for teaching in a non-native language. Academic texts for non-native speakers should be adapted to the specific requirements in didactic, linguistic and cognitive aspects. To teach foreign students general scientific disciplines in Russian as a foreign language, it is proposed to develop educational materials based on the following recommendations: (1) to design a series of laboratory activities to ensure the sufficient level of formation of competences; each test should include 2– 3 integrated tasks aimed at the formation of the important knowledge / skills and 1–2 independent tasks for generalization / improving skills; (2) texts of teaching materials should be short, with a limited numbers of syntactically and stylistically complex structures; (3) methodological instructions for the laboratory work should be accompanied by step-by-step screenshots with visual prompts; (4) educational activities difficult to describe to duplicate on screencasts (5) screencasts should be supplied by comments or subtitles in the Russian language and the language-mediator, highlighting mouse clicks, displaying the path of the cursor. Educational and cognitive activity with the use of the developed materials can be carried out at a comfortable pace, in the conditions of reducing the impact of the language barrier on the result and increasing the availability and clarity of content by removing part of the information load from the text and transmitting it to the visual means of presenting information on the subject.
Key words: Methods of teaching; eLearning resources; foreign students; information technologies; methodological adaptation; educational text.
For citation
Lozinskaya, A. M. Methodology of Development and Application of Electronic Educational Resources for Learning General Scientific Disciplines in Non-native Language / A. M. Lozinskaya, M. V. Lapenok, I. V. Rozhina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №8. – P. 96-106.