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Methodological Model of Information and Communication Competence Formation of the Pedagogical School Personnel in Informal Education
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Abstract: In the article, based on the analysis of normative documents, discusses the problem of formation of professional competence of the pedagogical staff in the field of using information and communication technologies (ICT). As an option for solving this problem, we propose a methodology of ICT competence formation, consisting of the following interrelated blocks: diagnostic, target, content, and technological. It is emphasized that content of the presented components of the methodology depends, first of all, on the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of adult learners, which determines the choice of this type of education as informal. The analysis of the specifics of non-formal education leads to the selection of andragogical approach as the main for updating the content of the model of the methodology formation, which led to the specification of the components of the target, content and technology blocks, namely: the tasks of forming ICT-competence are refined with an orientation to the general user and, partly, general pedagogical components of ICT-competence; along with general didactic principles andragogical, and some private methodological principles are allocated; didactic units of content are selected by students with an orientation to the professional needs of the student-teacher from the set developed within the framework of the author's course «Basics of Computer Literacy and the Use of ICT in Solving Professional Problems»; among the leading methods of teaching, the methods of using the virtual educational environment and information and communication technologies with the prevailing types of activity of self-study, mutual learning, mutual diagnostics, design and implementation of individual educational routes are singled out. The changes in the components of the methodology are identified in its structural model, presented schematically. A conclusion is formulated about the impact of the features of non-formal education and the andragogical approach on the components of the structural model of the methodology of forming the ICT competence of the pedagogical staff of the school.
Key words: Сompetence formation; professional competence; pedagogical staff; educational institutions; informatization of education; ICT competence; information and communication technologies; virtual learning environment; informal education.
For citation
Slepukhin, A. V. Methodological Model of Information and Communication Competence Formation of the Pedagogical School Personnel in Informal Education / A. V. Slepukhin, G. N. Korshunova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №8. – P. 138-144 .