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Implementation of Pedagogical Cooperation of Teacher and Parents (Legal Representatives) by Means of Mobile Communication
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Abstract: The article proves the necessity of organizing and realizing the quick interaction between the teacher and parents (legal representatives). The specifics of one of the subjects of educational relations are determined: parents (legal representatives), their positions in the system of interaction with the educational institution are specified in accordance with the regulatory framework (customers of educational services, providers of educational services). Modern means for implementing remote interaction are proposed. The concepts of interaction and cooperation are related. The concept of pedagogical cooperation from the viewpoint of mutually beneficial coordinated interaction is defined. The benefits obtained by the subjects of interaction are described. A graphic model of three subject pedagogical cooperation is given. Types of cooperation are outlined. A technical and technological complex of mobile communication devices based on the Android operating system and Google services is presented. The choice of the hardware and software platforms is substantiated. The article describes a step-by-step algorithm for work with parents (legal representatives) using the WhatsApp messenger and Google services (Tables, Documents, Forms, Mail). The essence of each stage is revealed (organizational, registration, preparatory, training, operation). Attention is focused on the need to teach parents (legal representatives) to communicate and exchange files on the basis of providing access to resources by hyperlink in a public chat. We propose a hierarchical structure of the catalogs on the Google Drive of the teacher for the organization of file exchange within the framework of the implementation of pedagogical cooperation. References are given to sources illustrating the effectiveness of the practical application of mobile communication to increase the involvement of parents (legal representatives) in the educational process organized by the educational institution. A conclusion is made about the advisability of implementation of pedagogical cooperation by means of mobile communication.
Key words: Pedagogical cooperation; pedagogical interaction; cloud technologies; mobile communication; parents; teachers.
For citation
Sardak, L. V. Implementation of Pedagogical Cooperation of Teacher and Parents (Legal Representatives) by Means of Mobile Communication / L. V. Sardak, A. V. Borschenkova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №8. – P. 125-131 .