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The System of Studying Methods of Creating and Using Educational Videos in Pedagogical University
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Abstract: The article presents the experience of pedagogical university students and undergraduates in the use of educational videos in the framework of «Computer Video and Sound» course. The article deals with the system of functions of educational video: visual representation of information, high speed of information transmission, audience attention management, maintaining interest in learning through emotional content, sense transmission through visual structuring of information, and transmission of values by means of nonverbal communication. On the basis of systematization of educational computer video usage in education a list of media necessary to a modern teacher was identified: the ability to create and use visual material; the ability to choose an ergonomic speed of information in the audio-visual flow; the ability to control the attention of the audience, using audiovisual tools; the ability to create and use emotional content; the ability to design information visualization systems; the experience of speaking in front of the camera. The functional approach to didactic design allowed to substantiate the choice of tasks for the practical training cycle of this course. Students studying computer science, information systems and technologies and undergraduates of pedagogical education master the principles and techniques of video shooting, editing, animation; they get experience of performing in front of the camera, create screencasts, animated presentations and animated videos, as well as projects in the genres of video graphics and digital storytelling. The future teachers’ study of visual perception and ergonomics laws, expressive potential of different video genres, the development of basic aesthetic and technological principles and techniques of video creation forms the ability to work with digital video and use video materials to achieve learning goals, using different technological solutions.
Key words: Educational video; animated video; digital storytelling; media education; videoinfographics; information and communication technologies; multimedia; pedagogical universities; students.
For citation
Grushevskaya, V. Y. The System of Studying Methods of Creating and Using Educational Videos in Pedagogical University / V. Y. Grushevskaya // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №8. – P. 69-74.