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Formation of Moral-Patriotic Principles in Students
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Abstract: The article reveals the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of formation of civil identity, moral and patriotic attitude to their Homeland of the younger generation. The article also justifies the relevance of the problem of formation of moral and patriotic principles of students; it identifies and defines the key concepts of the investigated problem. "Morality" is defined as a personal characteristic that combines such qualities and properties as kindness, decency, discipline, and collectivism. The first part of the article outlines the field of the research, which consists in the necessity and purposeful work on the education of patriotism, moral and patriotic principles of modern youth. Various points of view on the definition of moral education are presented; one of them defines if as social and pedagogical process of interaction between a teacher and a student, educational system and a student, aimed at self-determination and self-improvement of the student in accordance with moral values. The article reveals the structure of moral and patriotic education, which consists of humanity, conscious discipline and proper behavior. The author highlights the factors of moral education: family as a system and family relations; spontaneous, including spontaneously arising relations surrounding the child; pedagogically organized, creative emotional and value activities of school: work, creativity, situations, teacher’s words, and friendly relations in the team. The presented theoretical analysis determined the concept of moral and patriotic education, namely the culture-focused concept aimed at formation and support of socio-cultural and educational space. The article presents and describes the program and plan of the study, which includes a description of three experiments, samples, techniques and results. The main directions of the program on the formation of moral and patriotic qualities of students include the following: improving the content of cultural and leisure work, moral, aesthetic and physical education, and patriotic education system.
Key words: Patriotism; morality; civic identity; moral qualities; moral education; moral behavior, humanity; patriotic education; students.
For citation
Naboychenko, E. S. Formation of Moral-Patriotic Principles in Students / E. S. Naboychenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №9. – P. 25-32 .