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Resilience of Teenagers with Severe Speech Pathology
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Abstract: The article describes the results of the study of resilience of teenagers with severe speech pathology (SSP). The choice of speech pathology to be the object of research is determined by the fact that there are many children and teenagers with such disorders, but it is possible to help them socialize and adapt to life. 46 teenagers took part in the research (34 boys and 11 girls) who are taught at school with adapted educational programs. The research is based on the following tests: Maddi Personality hardiness scale (modified by D. A. Leontyev, E. I. Rasskazova); the Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI); a Method of Self-Esteem Measurement by DemboRubinstein (in the version of A.Prikhozhan); “Coping behavior models” by R. Lazarus and S. Folkman (modified by L. I. Vasserman). Such psychological correspondents of resilience as self-esteem and ambition, extraversion – neurotism and kinds of coping behavior are used to the reveal the manifestations of resilience of experiment participants. It was found out that the low level of resilience of teenagers with SSP causes such coping behavior as “Distancing”. Teenagers with SSP having high level of resilience possess the factor that unites “Involvement” and “Recognition” of the level of self-esteem, which, probably, helps these teenagers cope with difficulties easier. The sample revealed the negative correlation between resilience and the staretegy of “Evasion”. In general, teenagers with SSP with the average level of resilience, control and risk taking show the results matching the standard parameters, however it is necessary to teach teenagers with SSP to cope with stress and to gain experience, to become confident in their abilities and to learn adaptive kinds of coping behavior.
Key words: Resilience; teenagers; children with speech pathology; severe speech pathology; coping behavior; self-esteem; demands; speech therapy; speech therapy and psychology.
For citation
Tokarskaya, L. V. Resilience of Teenagers with Severe Speech Pathology / L. V. Tokarskaya, T. R. Tenkacheva, D. I. Grigorieva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №9. – P. 121-130.