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Development of Roleplay Skills of Preschoolers in Inclusive Education
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Abstract: Specialists in inclusive education provide favourable conditions for the implementation of programs that meet the educational needs of typically developing pre-school children and those with special educational needs. The section "Game" is present in all preschool educational establishments. The important part of this section is devoted to "Roleplay". This article deals with two current trends: people's behavior in a roleplay and the factors that have a negative impact on the development of the game. The author of the article believes that classical approaches to roleplaying from preschool pedagogy and special approaches from special pre-school pedagogy are important for the development of roleplay skills as an activity. Particularly relevant is the increase in the level of roleplay competence of teachers and parents at the present stage, because modern roleplay was replaced by modern computer and video games. To implement this section, it is important for specialists to know the peculiarities of the mental development of preschool children with disabilities, the development of a roleplay, the specificity of the introduction of a roleplay for children with various developmental disorders, and to be able to implement an individual approach in work with children with disabilities. These skills can be developed in students if a special practical course is introduced into the curriculum of University. It will contribute to the formation of the roleplay competence of future teachers of inclusive preschool education. The analysis of theses and scientific articles concerning the issue of the development of roleplay in preschool children of an inclusive group is made in the article.
Key words: Roleplay; roleplaying; methods of playing; mild mental retardation; general hypoplasia of speech; preschoolers; preschool educational establishment; inclusion; inclusive education; speech therapy for preschoolers; olygophrenopedagogy.
For citation
Filiutina, T. N. Development of Roleplay Skills of Preschoolers in Inclusive Education / T. N. Filiutina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №9. – P. 131-137.