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Psychological Features of Self-Control of Cadets of Educational Organizations of Deontological Type
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Abstract: The urgency of this research is explained by the need to develop new, non-traditional means of increasing success of professional (educational) activity of students of deutological type of higher educational institutions, using methods of mental self-regulation in accordance with the specifics of professional training. The main task is formation of professionally significant qualities necessary for successful activity, therefore during the entire period of study at the university it is necessary to develop the skills of emotional-volitional self-regulation in cadets. The article presents a comparative analysis of changes in the emotional state of cadets in the course of various forms of psychological support for learning activities. The leading method of research is the analysis and synthesis of domestic and foreign sources that cover the problem as a purposeful and organized process for developing the skills of emotional-volitional selfregulation. In the experimental study, the following methods were used: "The technique of diagnosing the level of anxiety self-esteem" by Ch. D. Spilberger, Yu. L. Khanina (OLST), "The research methodology of individual psychological characteristics of the volitional personality sphere" by N. P. Fetiskina, V. V. Kozlova, G. M. Maynuilova and Standardized method of personality research (SMIL). The result of this research is a set of exercises on the formation of emotional-volitional self-regulation among cadets using technical devices, which proves an effective impact on the emotional state of cadets. The scientific novelty lies in the development and approbation of the system of classes with the use of technical devices in the process of psychological support for students (cadets) in their learning in educational organizations of the deontological type. Practical importance of this research is in application of self-regulation skills in professional (educational) activities and development of recommendations for improvement of the system of professional training of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Key words: Emotional-volitional self-regulation; deontology; military education; cadets; psychological support; learning.
For citation
Zeer, E. F. Psychological Features of Self-Control of Cadets of Educational Organizations of Deontological Type / E. F. Zeer, S. V. Larionova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №9. – P. 92-100.