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Parent-Child Relationships as a Condition of the Formation of the Girls’ Attitude to Motherhood in the Period of Their Moving into Adulthood
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Abstract: The aim of the study is the investigation of the child parent-child relationships role – firstly, the features of psychological separation from mother and, secondly, the experience of acceptance/rejection of motherhood during in adolescence. The relevance of the research is caused by the growth of a negative tendency of decrease in value of motherhood. Methods. 1. The author's technique "Incomplete Sentences" for identification of types of relation to motherhood. 2. R. Rohner's (The Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire) technique (Rohner, 2003) (adapted by G. V. Burmenskaya) 3. A questionnaire for an investigation of psychological separation from parents – Psychological Separation Inventory (PSI, Hoffman, 1984) (adapted by V. P. Dzukayeva and T. Yu. Sadovnikova). Sample: 230 girls, students from Moscow and Kursk, aged from 17 up to 23 years (M = 19,5). Results. The received results allowed to distinguish five types of relations to motherhood: 1) priority and acceptance of a maternal role; 2) positive attitude to motherhood and postponed motherhood; 3) motherhood as obligation; 4) ambivalent relation to motherhood and postponed motherhood; 5) rejection of motherhood and maternal role. The comparative analysis of features of psychological separation of girls from their mothers in the context of J. Hoffman's separation from parents model has revealed significant distinctions in all indicators of psychological separation (style of separation, cognitive, affective, behavioral components of separation) of girls with various types of their attitude to motherhood. Interdependence between the level of separation in the conditions of acceptance/rejection by the mother with the type of attitude to motherhood is analyzed. Conclusions. 1. There are essential differences in the level and style of psychological separation of girls with various types of their attitude to motherhood. High level and conflict separation is accompanied by rejection of motherhood, while the low level and harmonious separation is accompanied by acceptance and positive attitude to motherhood. 2. There is interdependence between the level and style of separation and the nature of emotional relations with the mother. 3. The character of the parent-child relations (separation and acceptance or rejection) determine the type of the attitude to motherhood in girls moving into adulthood.
Key words: Motherhood; maternity; parental position; family upbringing; child-parent relations; girls.
For citation
Sadovnikova, T. Y. Parent-Child Relationships as a Condition of the Formation of the Girls’ Attitude to Motherhood in the Period of Their Moving into Adulthood / T. Y. Sadovnikova, O. A. Karabanova, G. V. Burmenskaya, E. I. Zakharova, O. V. Almazova, A. G. Dolgikh, S. V. Molchanov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №9. – P. 52-61.