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Shape, Size and Colour Contrast of Objects in Teaching Visual Arts to Children with Intellectual Disability at Primary School
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Abstract: The article, published in journal “Pedagogic Education” № 3. 2009, explained the reader the specificity of graphic forms in drawings made by children attending type VIII special educational institutions. The present publication substantiates the use of specialized techniques with the given contingent at visual arts lessons. Specially organized learning conditions improve cognitive, visual and motor spheres of pupils’ personalities.
Key words: Contrast is a means of remedial instruction in figurative activity; development of performance, and cognitive, emotional and expressive components of graphic forms in drawings made by primary school children with intellectual disability; interaction of practical, visual and verbal means of teaching.
For citation
Nesterova, T. V. Shape, Size and Colour Contrast of Objects in Teaching Visual Arts to Children with Intellectual Disability at Primary School / T. V. Nesterova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2009. – №4. – P. 60-66.