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Role of Integration of Physical and Technological Education in Formation of Technological Competence of the Student
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Abstract: The article dwells upon the influence of the integration of physical and technological education in the formation of students’ readiness for transformational activity in modern conditions. The results of experimental work aimed at revealing main tendencies in Technology teachers’ activity in formation of students’ technological competence are presented. The role of education in natural sciences in the formation of technological competence in revealed.
Key words: Transformational activity; technosphere; physical education; educational sphere «Technology»; technological competence; components of technological competence; pedagogical integration; levels of pedagogical integration.
For citation
Babina, S. N. Role of Integration of Physical and Technological Education in Formation of Technological Competence of the Student / S. N. Babina, E. F. Sharipova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2010. – №4. – P. 60-66.