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Classroom Response System in High School Teaching Process: Theory and Practice
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of teaching opportunities of classroom response systems (СRS) and the conditions for their effective use in the teaching process. Four teachers and more than 70 students of the Ural State Pedagogical University were surveyed to reveal their attitude to basic CRS abilities. According to the survey, both students and teachers highly appreciate motivation, activating and management functions of CRS. Based on experience with the СRS sets, the conditions for their effective use by teacher are analyzed.
Key words: Teacher feedback; lecture response systems; management training; modern lecture.
For citation
Starichenko, B. E. Classroom Response System in High School Teaching Process: Theory and Practice / B. E. Starichenko, A. N. Egorov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2011. – №4. – P. 135-142.