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Key Texts of Modernism at the Fiction Interpretation Classes
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Abstract: The article discusses key notions and major features of expressionism and modernism literature which form special competence of a future philologist on the example of an expressionist short story by A. Döblin (1910) included into the syllabus «Interpretation of Fiction Texts».
Key words: Absolute metaphor; abstract forms; demonization of the object world; deformation of personality; text interpretation; self-dissociation; world view; competence; modernism; a modern person; insanity metaphor; alienation; estrangement; objectivation; animation; self-identification; self-alienation; loss of personal identity; function of estrangement; expressionism.
For citation
Pestova, N. V. Key Texts of Modernism at the Fiction Interpretation Classes / N. V. Pestova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2012. – №1. – P. 201-203.