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Tutoring as Part of Professional Development of Teachers
- Hits: 365
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Abstract: Tutoring is considered as professional supervising and encouragement for teachers during their professional development. Tutoring as well helps to establish professional subjective attitude towards education. Possibilities of tutoring are described within different approaches such as person — science — methodological and competence approach. The main junction principles of tutor support are observed. It is proved that tutoring makes favorable conditions for teachers’ continuous education, for self-development of individual teacher’s education route, based on their professional requirements, and for professional development of a teacher’s competence.
Key words: Tutor; tutoring; teachers’ competence; subjective attitude.
For citation
Shumakova, K. S. Tutoring as Part of Professional Development of Teachers / K. S. Shumakova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2012. – №1. – P. 134-138.