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Educational-Cultural Environment in the Institutions with Cossack Cadet Component
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Abstract: This article is devoted to the problem of creation of educational-cultural environment in the institutions and classes with the Cossack-cadet direction, which recreates ruined mechanism of natural cultural succession and lost elements of the Cossack culture, and promotes forming the Cossacks-cadets' ethno-cultural identity. Musical culture has to perform the medium forming function in educational-cultural environment of these institutions, because it presents an integral part of the Cossack way of life.
Key words: Ethno-cultural identity; musical education; musical folklore; the Cossacks; the Cossack education; educational-cultural environment; musical culture.
For citation
Kashina, N. I. Educational-Cultural Environment in the Institutions with Cossack Cadet Component / N. I. Kashina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2012. – №4. – P. 178-183.