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Link Between Socio-Centered Child’s Behavior and His/Her Capacity to Adapt in Preschool Educational Establishment
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Abstract: The main focus of the article is the analysis of social development of children of early age, namely, the empirical specification of age-related forms in which social competence displays itself in early childhood. We hypothesized the social competence in this age to display itself in the form of sensibility to social expectations of the surrounding people (adults and peers) and its being a necessary perspective of a child’s development in ontogenesis able to predict child readiness to social interactions beyond the family circle.
Key words: Social development; early age; sensibility to social expectations; socio-centered behavior; adaptation.
For citation
Yermolova, T. V. Link Between Socio-Centered Child’s Behavior and His/Her Capacity to Adapt in Preschool Educational Establishment / T. V. Yermolova, M. S. Kiryushkina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2013. – №3. – P. 41-45.