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Strategic and Marketing Competence of the Industry University in Target Segments of the Market
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Abstract: One of the priorities of the state policy of the Russian Federation was the development of the economy based on the outrunning growth of knowledge and representing the sphere of education as an independent branch of economy. In relation to the activities of industry universities, this led to the decrease in the volume of state orders and changes in the structure of their financing. Strategic and marketing competence in the management of the branch of the University are tools for increasing the competitiveness of the University and the efficiency of its interaction with the target segments of the market. The article is the authors’ interpretation of the key concepts and describes the process of management-marketing of the industry University with priority based on strategic and marketing competence.
Key words: Management of the activities of the industry University; strategic and marketing competence of the industry University, target market segments.
For citation
Leongardt, V. A. Strategic and Marketing Competence of the Industry University in Target Segments of the Market / V. A. Leongardt, L. Y. Shemyatikhina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №1. – P. 35-39.