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Electronic Portfolio "My Path to Self-realization: Planning-Management-Result!" as a Means of Development and Evaluation of General Cultural and General Professional Competence of Students Pedagogical University
- Hits: 277
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Abstract: The article discusses the problem of evaluation and assessment of formation and development of general cultural and general professional competence of pedagogical university students with the help of the electronic portfolio "My path to self-realization: planning-management-result!" It presents the multifunctional character of the electronic portfolio that makes it so effective. The principal mechanisms of an electronic portfolio are defined as self-esteem, self-planning and reflexivity. The article also presents the basic operations while working with this portfolio, its structural components, as well as the scope and possibilities of its application.
Key words: Electronic portfolio; structural components of an electronic portfolio; basic operations; monitoring and evaluation of general professional and general cultural competence of future teachers.
For citation
Bruner, T. I. Electronic Portfolio "My Path to Self-realization: Planning-Management-Result!" as a Means of Development and Evaluation of General Cultural and General Professional Competence of Students Pedagogical University / T. I. Bruner // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №10. – P. 53-57.