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Corruption as a Polyfactorial Phenomenon
- Hits: 311
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Abstract: By analyzing the research areas of corrupt behavior, the author concludes that it is a polyfactorial phenomenon, and specifies the need of searching for its origin. The origin may be found in deviant behavior. Substantiating polyfactorial nature of deviant behavior, the author concludes that corruption and addictive behavior have many common features. He sets out a theoretical assumption that the similarity of psychological content of basic components of addictive behavior and corruption lie in the structure of individuality.
Key words: Corruption; corrupt behavior; deviation; social normativity; addiction; addictive behavior; polyfactoriality.
For citation
Smirnov, A. V. Corruption as a Polyfactorial Phenomenon / A. V. Smirnov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №10. – P. 47-52 .