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Problems of Interpretation in Learning the English Language
- Hits: 461
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Abstract: The article looks upon functional and cultural components in interpretation of a speech message in the context of English classroom. Interpretational activities are seen as a cognitive process designed to analyze language phenomena, as well as a means to build up language thesaurus. In the course of learning the English language interpretation activities are realized through explication of implicit meanings and meaningful components of a text and through elicitation of the author‘s communicative intention. This process of post suppositional analysis is applicable not only to reading and listening activities but also to translation tasks when students are required to comprehend the meaning before giving an equivalent.
Key words: Interpretation; cognition; thesaurus; indirect utterance; supposition; implication; functions of utterances; translation; metaphor; polysemy; lacunae; contextual usage of a word.
For citation
Shirokikh, A. Y. Problems of Interpretation in Learning the English Language / A. Y. Shirokikh // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №10. – P. 95-98.