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Risk as an Object of Scientific Analysis in Pedagogy and Education
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Abstract: The article deals with the risk factors as they are presented in pedagogical research, and specifies the heuristical potential of this approach. The author concentrated her attention on the existence of different cultural paradigms of risk perception and gives several classifications of risk, including her own classification of areas of risk, which is necessary for the evaluation of an educational establishment activity. The article highlights the universal structural components of risk management and provides authored definitions of the notions “pedagogical risk management” and “socio-cultural risk management”. The methodological aspect of risk and risk management study is presented in brief. The author demonstrates her belonging to the modernist approach of W. Beck and by many examples illustrates the state of education in contemporary risk society.
Key words: Risk; riskology; risk management; areas of risk; pedagogical and socio-cultural risk management; risk society; security; education; safe education.
For citation
Belyaeva, M. A. Risk as an Object of Scientific Analysis in Pedagogy and Education / M. A. Belyaeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №11. – P. 16-23.