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Modern Higher School in the Conditions of Transition to Innovative Development
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Abstract: The article deals with the theoretical-methodological foundations of analysis of innovative development of the modern higher school in Russia. Nowadays, the processes of modernization of higher education in response to the requirements of the labor market, and for integration of domestic education into the world educational and economic space are especially urgent for our country. Within the framework of the effected modernization of the educational system in Russia, the processes of change of historically specific and culturally unique organizational concept of higher education are being actively carried out. The article focuses on the definition of the innovative development of higher educational institutions as an inherently inconsistent process of transition from outdated and ineffective models of organization of educational activity to new, most adequate challenges of the present day. The problems of innovative development are considered to be an organic element of the innovative process in higher educational institutions and are analyzed exceptionally taking into account their specifics.
Key words: Innovative development; modernization; integration; management; university.
For citation
Kashirina, S. D. Modern Higher School in the Conditions of Transition to Innovative Development / S. D. Kashirina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №11. – P. 68-75.