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Quality Analysis of a Questionnaire for a Linear Scale Measurement of Curiosity of Pupils
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Abstract: The article describes the results of measurement of curiosity which is one of the most important creative qualities of a person. The measurement was performed within the framework of the theory of measurement of latent variables based on the Rasch model. The results of the measurement possess good differentiating ability and were used for comparison of pupils’ curiosity of different levels of education, gender and age.
Key words: Quality of questionnaire; curiosity; measurement of latent variables; the Rasch model.
For citation
Maslak, A. A. Quality Analysis of a Questionnaire for a Linear Scale Measurement of Curiosity of Pupils / A. A. Maslak, A. D. Rybkin // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №12. – P. 158-165.