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The System of Educational Creative Tasks in Decorative Art as a Means of Activation of Project and Research Work of Students
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Abstract: Practical experience of application of educational creative tasks as a means of activation of students‘ project and research activity at the lessons of decorative art is discussed. The problem of the students‘ motivation to this kind of activity is solved. The notions of ―the content of cognitive experience of students in the course of teaching them decorative art‖ and ―the system of educational creative tasks in the course of project and research activity at the lessons of decorative art‖ are specified. Application of the methodology of activation of project and research activity of the students at the lessons of decorative art with the use of four types of educational creative tasks is described.
Key words: Project and research work; the process of teaching decorative art; the system of educational creative tasks at the lessons of decorative art; types of educational creative tasks; heuristic methods; activation of project and research work of students at the lessons of decorative art.
For citation
Zvereva, T. V. The System of Educational Creative Tasks in Decorative Art as a Means of Activation of Project and Research Work of Students / T. V. Zvereva, S. A. Novoselov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №3. – P. 29-33.