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Requirements to the Level of Mastery of Basic Educational Bachelor and Master Programs for Students of Informatics and ICT
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Abstract: The article discusses the requirements to the level of mastery of basic educational programs in the field of Informatics and ICT for undergraduate and graduate students specializing in “Pedagogical education”. The author analyzes teacher’s professional activity levels of bachelors and masters actions in the context of educational and future professional activities with the use of ICT. The author formulates additional requirements for undergraduate and graduate students according to the analysis of Federal State Educational Standards of higher education.
Key words: Bachelor; basic educational program; informatics; ICT; master; pedagogical education.
For citation
Gerova, N. V. Requirements to the Level of Mastery of Basic Educational Bachelor and Master Programs for Students of Informatics and ICT / N. V. Gerova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №8. – P. 94-98.