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Discourse as a Didactic Foundation of Forming Stylistically Conditioned Foreign Language Skills
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Abstract: The article deals with the questions of relationship of a foreign language didactic discourse and stylistically conditioned foreign language skills formed on the basis of reading, hearing and seeing experience; it also distinguishes groups of stylistically conditioned foreign language skills: ability to identify linguistic and stylistic means of a foreign language; ability to consciously select linguistic and stylistic resources of a foreign language for the optimal realization of communicative intentions; ability to consciously use linguistic and stylistic resources of a foreign language for the optimal realization of communicative intentions; ability of stylistic transformation of the text. The authors present a complex of exercises aimed at the formation of professionally important stylistically conditioned foreign language skills of the future teacher of a foreign language: exercises aimed at the formation of skills to identify linguistic and stylistic means of a foreign language; exercises aimed at forming skills of consciously selecting linguistic and stylistic resources of a foreign language for the optimal realization communicative intentions; exercises aimed at creating skills of consciously using linguistic and stylistic tools of a foreign language for the optimal realization communicative intentions; exercises aimed at creating skills of stylistic transformation of a foreign language text.
Key words: Discourse, authentic learning text; stylistically conditioned foreign language skills; a complex of exercises aimed at formation of stylistically conditioned foreign language skills; remedial foreign language training course.
For citation
Sergeeva, N. N. Discourse as a Didactic Foundation of Forming Stylistically Conditioned Foreign Language Skills / N. N. Sergeeva, A. I. Suetina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №10. – P. 88-91.