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Place of Individual-Oriented Evaluation in Professional Education
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Abstract: The article deals with the problem of individual-oriented evaluation and its implementation in the field of professional education, and teaching English as a foreign language in particular. The necessity of such kind of evaluation is brought about by the requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, which requires to train students – future teachers – for their further development and self-realization in the chosen professional field. Thus, individual-oriented evaluation may be considered as a means for meeting the requirement as it gives an opportunity to both teachers and students to reveal step-bystep growth of various skills and speech habits that make up students’ communicative competence in a foreign language. The article also throws light on one of the possible forms for such evaluation. This form includes all constituent parts of the communicative competence: language, speech, study, socio-cultural and compensatory competences; it also allows the teacher to explicitly present the “traditional” mark that a student receives at the end of a topic. As a result the mark becomes informative. Besides, by including the quality and amount of study work done into the mark as its separate component, evaluation becomes personalized.
Key words: Evaluation; individual-oriented evaluation; communicative competence; professional education; learning competence; practical course of a foreign language.
For citation
Guzeva, A. I. Place of Individual-Oriented Evaluation in Professional Education / A. I. Guzeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №10. – P. 21-25.