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Monitoring of Pupils’ Curiosity within the Framework of Creativity Formation Program
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Abstract: The investigation purpose is monitoring of a level of imagination of pupils of the fifth classes as a result of implementation of the creativity formation program. The urgency of this research is caused by the fact that curiosity is an important component of creativity. The research was conducted within the framework of the theory of measurement of latent variables based on the Rasch model. It is shown, that the questionnaire possesses good differentiating ability and corresponds to the level of pupils’ curiosity. Measurement of pupils’ curiosity on the linear scale allows quantitatively evaluate the efficiency of the creativity formation program. As a result of implementation of the creativity formation program, the level of pupils’ curiosity has increased. Results of ANOVA have shown that level of girls’ curiosity has risen more, than the level of boys’ curiosity. It is supposed that the creativity formation program has appeared to be more interesting for girls than for boys. So the creativity formation program should be improved and perfected – it should be interesting not only for girls, but also for boys.
Key words: Curiosity; creativity; quality of questionnaire; monitoring; measurement of latent variables; the Rasch model.
For citation
Maslak, A. A. Monitoring of Pupils’ Curiosity within the Framework of Creativity Formation Program / A. A. Maslak, A.D. Rybkin // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №10. – P. 248-256.