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Development of Secondary School Pupils’ Civil Position in the Process of Learning Social Science
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Abstract: The article looks at social science as an effective way of patriotic and civil education of pupils. The formation of civil consciousness in the process of patriotic education of the younger generation is the priority direction of modern education policy. Nowadays, the process of formation of the civil position through classes of social science takes new forms. The article describes value orientations and the value system as important parts of a person’s ideology. The author outlines the system of values, which is formed in specific socio-historical conditions and reflects actual values of a particular society, which, in their turn, are related to the economic and cultural level of its development in general. The article substantiates the research activity, which allows pupils to realize their potential, as it engages pupils in active, deliberately planned cognitive process, teaches them to work with information, transform it into the necessary knowledge and use it.
Key words: Civil consciousness; patriotic education; social science; civil society; civil position.
For citation
Nikonova, A. V. Development of Secondary School Pupils’ Civil Position in the Process of Learning Social Science / A. V. Nikonova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №10. – P. 257-260.